Exam Success Sayings

Browse Best Exam Success Sayings, we have a special collection of superb, one line and short Exam Success Sayings. Get Beautiful Exam Success Sayings.

Exam Success Sayings

  • Exams are like ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends. Their thoughts harass you until late at night, turn your life upside down and cut you off from the rest of the world. All you can do is get over them as quickly as you can.

  • If you hate any of your teachers for giving you detention, this is your chance to get back them by scoring well and earning their admiration. Good luck for your exams.

  • Exams don’t test your knowledge as much as they test your state of mind. Be relaxed and calm down, I am sure you will do fine. Best wishes to you.

  • Do you want to know a secret way to get your parents to stop nagging, grounding and advising you throughout the year? Just do well in your exams. Good luck.

  • If you don’t believe in yourself when you write your exams, how do you expect the examiner to? Have faith in yourself not just because it is the right thing to do, but because you are the best.

  • I agree that exam has its own pressure, but not in my dictionary, in my dictionary no exam no pressure there is only one word and that is happiness.

  • Being successful in exams and tests is a simple two step process – believe in yourself and back it up with plain old hard work. Good luck.

  • If you fail an examination, it means you have not yet master the subject. With diligent study and understanding, you will succeed in passing the exams.

  • Knowledge is a beautiful thing that can fill us with happiness. Let’s just think about our students who answered brilliantly to questions on various exams.

  • Success is a function of persistence, doggedness and the willingness to work hard for 20 minutes to make sense of something that most people would give up on after 30 seconds.

