Teacher Day Poetry

Browse Best Teacher Day Poetry, we have a special collection of superb, one line and short Teacher Day Poetry. Get Beautiful Teacher Day Poetry.

Teacher Day Poetry

  • A Million Beautiful Days
    Would Not Be Too Many And
    A Million Knowledge
    Would Be To Few To Express About Your Teachings
    I Thanks God For Giving Me Such A Teacher Like U
    Wishing U A Happy Teacher Day?

  • Magnificent & Marvelous
    Green color is for the Inspiration that you have given me each day.
    Blue color is for the Patience that is showing me the way.
    Orange color is for the Warmth and your Caring style.
    Yellow color is for how you always make me Feel.
    Brown color is for the Curiosity that you’ve always helped me to steer in.
    Red color is for my whole life that you have Touched this great year.
    Thanks for being my
    “Magnificent” & “Marvelous” Teacher!

  • To A Special Teacher
    When I first started in school,
    The present day seemed so far away.
    But now, the day is here and I just can’t believe it
    That the whole time has passed like so quickly…
    But because of your encouragement and guidance to right path,
    Now I feel I’m ready enough for tomorrow’s new challenges.
    Great Teachers plays such an important part
    In give shape and guidance…
    Especially some great teachers like you, (name).
    Thank you teacher for caring me so much

  • Small kids are like seeds
    Teachers plant them in the soil.
    Each one of takes patience,
    To Nurture and toil.
    You are such a great teacher.
    You did your job so well,
    Planting the seeds of learning and knowledge.
    Just look at all of us and tell.
    Now teacher plant these new seeds
    And over each of one fuss,
    So the seeds will grow up bright
    To remind you all of us!

  • The mediocre teacher tells,
    The good teacher explains,
    The superior teachers demonstrates,
    And the great teacher inspires,

    Thanks for being my inspiration at all times.

  • Thank you, teacher,
    for being my life’s role model.
    When I consider all you’ve taught me
    and reflect on the kind of person you are,
    I want to be like you—
    smart, interesting and engaging,
    positive, confident, yet unpretentious.
    I want to be like you—
    well-informed and easy to understand,
    thinking with your heart as well as your head,
    gently nudging us to do our best,
    with sensitivity and insight.
    I want to be like you—
    giving your time, energy and talent
    to ensure the brightest possible future
    for each of us.
    Thank you, teacher
    For giving me a goal to shoot for:
    I want to be like you!

  • Those who educate students well-
    Are just more to be honored than the real parents,
    As parents only gave life, but
    Teachers taught arts of living well.

  • God the Teacher tells me: “Be unconditional!”
    I tell God: “I am trying.”

    Man the teacher tells me: “Be impartial!”
    I tell man: “I already am.”

    Dream the teacher tells me: “Be jovial!”
    I tell Dream: “I am practicing.”

    Reality the teacher tells me: “Be practical!”
    I tell Reality: “Alas, will I, Can I ever be practical?”

  • My poetry teacher taught me
    How to cry.
    My philosophy teacher taught me
    How to dream.
    My religion teacher taught me
    How to bind life.
    My yoga teacher taught me
    How to find Love.
    My liberation teacher taught me
    How to create Peace.

  • Teacher Is Lamp Of Nation.

    Teacher Only One Person Who Serve Society In Real Manner.

    Salute All Teachers Of Nation.

    Happy Teachers Day