Nurses Day Poems

Browse Best Nurses Day Poems, we have a special collection of superb, one line and short Nurses Day Poems. Get Beautiful Nurses Day Poems.

Nurses Day Poems

  • Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art,

    It requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation,

    as any painter´s or sculptor´s work; for what is the having to

    do with dead canvas or dead marble,

    compared with having to do with the living body,

    the temple of God´s spirit? It is one of the Fine Arts:

    I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts.??

  • Why do I study all hours of the night?
    Why do I put up such  a fight?
    I do it because one day I will celebrate new baby born.
    And, one day help a family mourn.
    It makes me have courage and determination.
    It teaches me how to handle my  dissatisfaction.

    Some people will curse or bless you.
    But every day they will teach you something new.
    That is why I study all nght.
    And, why I put us such a fight.
    Because one day, a Nurse I will be.
    To help people like you and me.

  • I am a student nurse
    I promise to be brave
    I graduate in May

    I am a student nurse
    I will not show them I am afraid
    I will pretend that I have done this a million times or more
    So my patients will feel at ease when I am on the floor

    I am a student nurse
    I promise to be brave
    I graduate in May

  • Poe’s darkness calls to such as I, an ember,
    a velvet covered wing chair’s grasp on dark nights.
    I seek the maudlin moan of his December
    to nurse an aging form and love’s lost delights.
    As Poe has said, “distinctly I remember…”
    his sweetest kiss and the wound he left in flight.
    So, by the hearth sit such as I in shadow,
    Raven in hand by the firelight’s ruddy glow.

  • Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art,
    it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation,
    as any painter’s or sculptor’s work; for what is the
    having to do with dead canvas or dead marble,
    compared with having to do with the living body,
    the temple of God’s spirit? It is one of the Fine Arts:
    I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts.

  • Give me strength and wisdom,
    When others need my touch;
    A soothing word to speak to them,
    Their hearts yearn for so much.
    Give me joy and laughter,
    To lift a weary soul;
    Pour in me compassion,
    To make the broken whole.
    Give me gentle, healing hands,
    For those left in my care;
    A blessing to those who need me,
    This is a Nurse’s prayer.

  • Give to my heart, Lord…
    compassion and understanding.
    Give to my hands,
    skill and tenderness.
    Give to my ears
    the ability to listen.
    Give to my lips
    words of comfort.
    Give to me, Lord…
    strength for this selfless service
    and enable me to give hope
    to those I am called to serve.

  • For bringing warmth and
    comfort into everything you do,
    For finding time to add
    an extra touch of kindness too,
    For patience in the midst
    of busy hours with little rest,
    For taking pride in all you do
    and giving it your best,
    May you be forever blessed.

  • Nursing is an art:
    and if it is to be made an art,
    It requires an exclusive devotion
    as hard a preparation,
    as any painter’s or sculptor’s work;
    for what is the having to do with
    dead canvas or dead marble,
    compared with having to do
    with the living body,
    the temple of God’s spirit?
    It is one of the Fine Arts:
    I had almost said,
    the finest of Fine Arts.

  • Long before you entered nursing
    The Lord had played His part,
    Planting seeds of love and kindness
    In the portals of your heart.
    For it’s clear that you’ve been gifted
    With a sympathetic ear,
    And blessed from the beginning
    With a willingness to cheer.
    And the people who you care for
    Are better off by far,
    When they’re touched by your compassion,
    By the person that you are.
    For in times of woe and worry
    When they’re frightened or they’re blue,
    No one could be more consoling than the friend they’ll find in you.