Quaid-E-Azam Poetry

Browse Best Quaid-E-Azam Poetry, we have a special collection of superb, one line and short Quaid-E-Azam Poetry. Get Beautiful Quaid-E-Azam Poetry.

Quaid-E-Azam Poetry

  • I Don’t Like to Take
    Right Decisions..!!!

    I Take Decisions
    and Make Them

    Mohammad Ali Jinnah

    25th December
    Happy Quaid’s Day

    Lets Join Hands N Advance
    Ahead 2 Pay Tribute 2 Our Great Leader!
    Salam QUAID!
    Salam PAKISTAN!

  • Nature has given you everything
    you have got unlimited resources
    The foundations of your State have been laid
    and it is now for you to build
    and build as quickly as you can
    So go ahead and I wish you God-speed

  • Fertile is the womb of this mother earth,
    Where leader like Quaid-e-Azam finds birth.

    Fame to the corner of the world he gained
    For over fifty years as a Quaid he reigned.

    His mind virile, placid and serene
    Stood like a rock ever in Stormy Stream.

    His actions Vivacious, brisk and brave
    To the Muslims of course, Pakland he gave.

    Victorious, glorious, gracious he remained
    Vigorous, Laborious and Specious he claimed.

    People like Quaid shall always live
    To the life itself a light they‘ll give.

    There wasn’t a knot in the battle he fought
    Through dusk and dark a way he sought.

    Let us march without heavy a heart
    To the arrow he shot to the thought he brought.

    Then we are the true followers of the Lord
    Or otherwise the game shall be hard.

    I bow before the Quaid and so do you
    Blessings unto him till sky are blue.

  • Thou prophet of a brighter dawn,
    A glittering jewel in the nation’s crown,
    A beacon for the forlorn ship:
    Thus Jinnah’s name shall win renown.

    Our din that perished in the wilderness
    Lo! Now in Whitehall is resounding loud;
    Thou spokesman of the Muslim world,
    Dispeller of the gath’ring cloud.

    Espouse our cause and lead us to the goal
    Under your flag to Pakistan,
    And surely will we march with you
    To make for us a home in Hindustan.

    Long live thou Saviour bold!
    To teach us freedom, love and amity:
    Long live the glory of thy name
    To give us faith, discipline, unity.

  • Pray to Allah Almighty,
    And show some faith n dignity,
    Quran be at your side,
    Islam giving you a pride,
    Sunnah be a light for you,
    That will glow and let you do,
    All the acts to make you feel,
    Nothing but this land is real.

  • May The Spirit Of Freedom

    Be With You And Always
    Best Wishes For Quaid-E-Azam Day….

    Aye Quaid !

    Tare Baad Bhi Guzre Hyn Kuch Log
    Magar Teri Khushbu Na Gai Raah-Guzar Se
    Happy Quaid Day….

  • Quaid-e-Azam, the founder of nation,
    Every soul knows his great narrations,
    He was the cause of Pakistan’s creation,
    On the differences between culture and tradition
    He worked hard beyond our imagination,
    And worked according to Islamic legislation,
    He made this country an Islamic federation,
    And all Islamic countries are her affiliation.
    Quaid-i-Azam was a true and devoted leader,
    He was the peaceful and good preacher,
    For all his services he did not ask treasures,
    But to spread his message to all the seekers.

  • Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which, we hope other will share with us.