Bewafai Quotes

Browse Best Bewafai Quotes, we have a special collection of superb, one line and short Bewafai Quotes. Get Beautiful Bewafai Quotes.



  • Each drop of a Tear is Costly
    than anything in World..
    No One knows its value
    until they have it in their own eyes
    For Someone….!!
  • We’re taught to be ashamed of confusion,
    anger, fear and sadness, and to me
    they’re of equal value to happiness,
    excitement and inspiration
  • I’ve cried, and you’d think
    I’d be better for it,
    but the sadness just sleeps,
    and it stays in my spine
    the rest of my life.
  • Nothing hurts more than realizing
    he meant everything to you,
    but you meant nothing to him…
  • I’m sad,hurt, angry, mad, disappointed.
    But you know what? I’ll put on a happy
    face and move on it will hurt
    but I will survive.
  • I thought living dead girls couldn’t
    feel pain, thought I was emptied out
    but I’m not, I’m not.
  • Sadness does not last forever when
    we walk in the direction of that
    which we always desired.
  • I’m fine. Well, I’m not fine – I’m here.
    Is there something wrong with that?