Quaid-E-Azam Poems

Browse Best Quaid-E-Azam Poems, we have a special collection of superb, one line and short Quaid-E-Azam Poems. Get Beautiful Quaid-E-Azam Poems.

Quaid-E-Azam Poems

  • Quaid-i-Azam, the founder of nation,
    Every soul knows his great narrations,
    He was the cause of Pakistan’s creation,
    On the differences between culture and tradition
    He worked hard beyond our imagination,
    And worked according to Islamic legislation,
    He made this country an Islamic federation,
    And all Islamic countries are her affiliation.
    Quaid-i-Azam was a true and devoted leader,
    He was the peaceful and good preacher,
    For all his services he did not ask treasures,
    But to spread his message to all the seekers.

  • 25th December a Day Of Pride For All Muslims
    May Allah Give Us Wisdom & Knowledge
    2Built Pakistan According 2 The Ideas of Quaid.
    Quaid-e-Azam… Zinda Baad
    Pakistan Painda Baad

    Lets Join Hands N Advance
    Ahead 2 Pay Tribute 2 Our Great Leader!
    Salam QUAID!
    Salam PAKISTAN!

  • Nature has given you everything
    you have got unlimited resources
    The foundations of your State have been laid
    and it is now for you to build
    and build as quickly as you can
    So go ahead and I wish you God-speed

  • Thou prophet of a brighter dawn,
    A glitt’ring jewel in the nation’s crown,
    A beacon for the forlorn ship:
    Thus Jinnah’s name shall win renown.

    Our din that perished in the wilderness
    Lo! Now in Whitehall is resounding loud;
    Thou spokesman of the Muslim world,
    Dispeller of the gath’ring cloud.

    Espouse our cause and lead us to the goal
    Under your flag to Pakistan,
    And surely will we march with you
    To make for us a home in Hindustan.

    Long live thou Saviour bold!
    To teach us freedom, love and amity:
    Long live the glory of thy name
    To give us faith, discipline, unity.

  • He worked hard Night and Day
    “Work” “Work” “Work” he used to say
    Pakistan was his friend’s dream
    But some took it light as cream
    He thought about it and worked again
    And so Pakistan came into being .

  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah Sahab really did hard work to provide us freedom but our crroupted people has done so much bad to this country and they have no regret over it.

  • A great man is one who serves humanity. Quaid-e-Azam is also one of them. Quaid –e-Azam is our great leader. He is the founder of Pakistan. He was born in Karachi on 25th December 1876. His real name was Muhammad Ali. His father’s name was Ponja Jinnah. He was a merchant. He passed his matriculation examination in the age of 16.Then he went to England for higher education. He passed Bar-at-law from London. He was a good lawyer. He started his practice in Karachi.

  • Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the great leader of Muslims of Sub Continent gave practical shape to the ideology give by the Allama Iqbal. He had a strong believe in Hindu Muslim unity and was of the opinion that both Hindus and Muslims should launch joint efforts to get rid of British rule.

  • Happy Birthday T0 Father 0f Nati0n
    0ne 0f His Mem0rable Speechs
    “We Must W0rk 0ur Destiny
    In 0ur 0wn Way Nd Present
    2 The W0rld
    An Ec0n0mic System Based 0n
    True Islamic C0ncept 0f Equality 0f
    Manh00d Nd S0cial Justice
    We Will Thereby B Fulfilling 0ur Missi0n
    As Muslims Nd Giving T0 Humanity
    The Message 0f Peace
    Which Al0ne Can Save It Nd
    Secure The Welfare
    Happiness Nd
    Pr0sperity 0f Mankind.